It Depends What’s In Your Cup

Have you ever been standing with a cup of coffee and someone’s knocked into you causing you to spill some of it?

The substance that spills, whether it's coffee, red wine or tea, depends on what was originally in the cup. This analogy extends to life itself—what's within you determines what spills out when you're metaphorically bumped, and subsequently, the impact it has.

If your cup is filled with anger, hate, and resentment, that negativity is what surfaces when life knocks into you. Conversely, if it’s brimming with self awareness, resilience and open mindedness then whatever knocked into you will be covered in that instead.

While we can't always predict the knocks life throws our way, we have control over what's already in our cup. If you are unsure then observe the next time life nudges you; your reaction will provide valuable insight. If you find that you're not content with your current emotional brew, work on changing it. Then when life inevitably presents another challenge, you'll be comfortable with the contents of your emotional spill.


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